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  • Writer's pictureClarissa

Shining Hearts in the Servant Dark

Updated: May 25, 2020

It has been more apparent with current topics in education that perspectives on certain issues are being brought forward. One particular issue is the idea that service in education is truly not about us. I am not trying to serve me and recognize the existence of service first mindsets. To write about this burning belief is where my heart has taken me. It is my hope to reach others similar in thought...the thought of humility as an asset through our services. We might not create a buzz for some, and that’s ok. My decision to write this blogpost is that gut-wrenching voice in my soul that has been encouraging me to stay true to who I am—true to my who. This is what is due, and buzzing I will continue to do.

Gratitude for Unexpected Timing and Support

It took some encouragement and feedback from my Twitter friends to set on a journey to write publicly to you. Little do they know they have been so instrumental in forsaking my vulnerability and proudly diving into the world of my word—the word from one with heart, passion, and an everlasting commitment to leadership without concern for titles. Be confident. You see, there are many of us.

Now this moment of enlightenment has awoken me and my silence from the decision I had previously made to remain hidden in all I do. We are coming to a possible end of COVID-19 school closures. However, we remain in the midst of uncertainty with future closures. We are in the midst of job loss, loss of wages, and loss of security...all of which we never thought could be taken from us. We are being advised to survive alongside each other in our homes, wherever that may be, and still we yearn to crawl out of it all. In this yearning for normalcy—what was normalcy—my thoughts have fluttered in a journey to my heart and my fingers have uncurled from the familiar space of the safe word—safe in silence—to reach the horizons where anyone wanting to break free is willing to do so and feel one with me. I know you are there, somewhere out there wanting the validation you deserve, and I am here to proclaim you have it! You matter. I matter. We all matter.

Can everyone see us, though?

Do we care?

Should we care?

Strangers as Cheerleaders

A Twitter friend shared a reminder of the popular mantra identifying strangers as our biggest supporters. These strangers will cheer for us, when we are and are not looking, and will genuinely want us to succeed. This is me. This is me in the spotlight at the top of an award-winning cheerleading pyramid with cheerleaders I have yet to meet in person and possibly never will. Yet, they know me and my potential simply from the gazing at the presence of my word, and my word is me, nothing more and nothing less. Even through my words, I find I can establish connections with others just like me. We are passionate creatures of valuable and infinite encounters simply of service to others but with an intuitive, humble ability to lead. At times, though, this keen eye of ours mistaken as intimidation makes us wonder in confusion.

It is unsettling, at best, when blinders around titles keep the much-needed wisdom hidden. No matter where or how this wisdom is shared, it will always be shun by those fearful of you. Yes, you! You are feared. However, we must not concern ourselves with the lack of validation and affirmation we fail to receive from those in the boldest of positions or from our equals on the same missions. This is not our problem. This is not our responsibility. Certainly, there is no need to begin an inquiry; an inquiry into our why is an unfair inquiry into our self and our soul.

There are no bells.

There are no whistles.

There is no loud roar.

There is, however, heart at the core.

Ah, yes. The heart on the sleeve.

It’s dangerous, I’ve been told, to wear my heart on my sleeve and place my vulnerability for all to see. They may wonder in support, concern, or ridicule. Nevertheless, the ridicule does not bother me. I am here. I still stand, and I stand for you. A helping of my heart to reach your heart in the dark is what my uncurled fingers have been renewed to do. We are those with a heart of selfless passion for the revival of connection and maintenance of integrity. This is us, ready and willing to share our experiences and intuition not always aligned to the common thoughts or best decisions. Fools we are not nor are we blinded by the ease. We all know that ease:

the fluff,

the talk,

the sales pitch, and

the Look at me! Look at me!

Why can they not see that loud and best is not always to be pleased? We strive for the right, the spirit, and the connection. Best is easy. Right takes time, right as in just, honest, and prime. Only those with our emotions and heart will passionately ride along.

Let’s Shine in the Dark

This is me and it’s you, too. Yes, we are in the dark. We are on point with our sincere principles and authentic experiences from a multitude of perspectives. Credit is no factor in our continuous push for securing an environment of blossom and shine for all. We proceed as usual. We deliver on time. I welcome you to join me on this journey, an adventure of sharing and shining in the dark. We, who are alike, need not be under bright lights.

No accolades.

No attention.

We do not need approval to honor our confidence. Simply the twinkle in the eyes of the ready and wise is good enough for me and should be good enough for you. Let those not ready for us continue to ignore, continue to dismiss, and continue to shut the door. No bells. No whistles. No roar. We are, however, heart at the core, and we will keep pumping not fixed on a score for we are shining hearts in the servant dark. We lead with a passion that sets us apart. 

Thank you to Cristóbal T. Saldaña (@saldanact), Chey Cheney (@mrccheney), Pav Wander (@PavWander), The Staff Room Podcast (@StaffPodcast), The Drive with Chey & Pav (@TheDriveVoicEd), Andrew Canlé (@AJCanle), Shelli Ann (@ann177345), Doug Campbell (@dougcampbellsc), and the Education Never Dies crew (@EduNeverDies) for your encouragement, feedback, and support. 

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